To view the list of available antennas, select the appropriate list from the following options:
The Available PTP Antennas page is displayed in the right hand panel. The column headings vary slightly between the lists.
Available PTP Antennas
To find a specific antenna or group of antennas enter at least 3 characters into the Filter antennas... box and it will filter the list using the Manufacturer, Description, Products and Part columns. If the antenna pattern is stored in LINKPlanner then when the antenna is selected the Save Antenna Pattern will be highlighted. To save the antenna pattern click and select the required folder and if necessary adjust the default filename. Not all antennas have antenna patterns stored within LINKPlanner.
If the required antenna is not in the list, click and enter the details in the User Defined Antenna page. New antennas can only be added for PTP and Subscriber Modules which don’t have a waveguide interface (i.e. all products except PTP 8xx). At present the PTP 8xx products and Access Points only support Cambium antennas.
To delete a new antenna, click , this feature is only available for new antennas created by the user.
To edit antenna details, click and change the details in the Edit Antenna page. This feature only applies to unlicensed PTP band and Subscriber Module antennas.