
Sites are locations that can be connected via PTP links or PMP links. A Project would normally contain at least two sites. Sites can be either Network Sites, used for PTP links and Hub Sites containing Access Points, or Subscriber Sites, used for the remote end of PMP links.

Identify all sites in the project, determine whether they are Network Sites or Subscriber Sites and obtain their latitude and longitude using the WGS84 frame of reference. Use tools such as:


When potential Sites have been identified and entered in LINKPlanner, the link profiles between those potential sites can be previewed in Google Earth(TM) to see which links are definitely line of sight (and therefore worth pursuing), or VERY non-line of sight (in which case they may not be worth pursuing). See “Previewing Link Profiles” in Using Google Earth(TM).

Network Sites and Subscriber Sites are both created and managed using the same facilities within LINKPlanner and can be converted from one to the other, see Displaying the Sites List.