This section contains more detail about the predicted performance of the link. The data can either be displayed in chart or tabular form.
The following charts show the variability in percentage of time availability with capacity, for each direction in the link. When the cursor is moved over the chart the area is highlighted in blue and the chart is annotated with throughput, availability (given as a percentage) and unavailability (given as a unit of time). The throughput given is the maximum throughput at that availability.
Performance Charts
Mode: The modulation technique used.
MIMO Type: Indicates whether the mode is operating in MIMO-B (dual payload) or MIMO-A (single payload) mode.
Multiplier: Indicates the relative capacity capability of the different modes.
Aggregate Max Data Rate for 1 SM (Mbps): The maximum aggregate throughput achievable per modulation mode if only 1 SM is active on the Access Point (sum of both directions). This field is automatically adjusted for the max range of the Access Point.
MCS: The Modulation Coding Scheme Number
Mode: The modulation technique used.
Payloads: Indicates whether the modulation mode is using dual or single payload
Code Rate: The code rate for the specified mode.
Aggregate Max Data Rate for 1 SM (Mbps): The maximum aggregate throughput achievable per modulation mode if only 1 SM is active on the Access Point (sum of both directions). This field is automatically adjusted for the max range of the Access Point and the number of SMs connected to the Access Point.
Mode: The modulation technique used.
Code Rate: The code rate for the specified mode.
Payloads: Indicates whether the modulation mode is using dual or single payload
Aggregate Max Data Rate (Mbps): The maximum aggregate throughput achievable per modulation mode for the slave (sum of both directions). This field is automatically adjusted for the max range of the Access Point and the maximum number of slaves connected to the Access Point.
Max Data Rate for 1 SM (Mbps) (450 and ePMP): The maximum user throughput achievable in the given direction if only 1 SM is currently active.
Max Data Rate (Mbps) (PTP 670 and 700 HCMP Only): The maximum user throughput achievable in the given direction for the slave. Modes above Highest Mod Mode or below Lowest Ethernet Mode are shown with Fade Margin, Mode Availability and Receive Time in Mode set to zero.
Fade Margin (dB): The margin available to each end in the specified Mode.
Mode Availability(%): The percentage of time that the modulation mode for each end is predicted to be available.
Receive Time in Mode(%): The percentage of time the specified mode is predicted to be used to receive data.