Adjust the antennas at both ends of the link and confirm that the selected equipment meets the performance requirements:
Antenna heights are entered from ground level not from the top of the clutter (if using).
The results shown are using the ITU-R P.530-17 propagation model
Adjust the Antenna Heights in the Link Page to given values.
Adjust Both Ends of Licensed Link
Insert target values in the Link Page data rate boxes for Mean IP Required and Min IP Availability Required.
Observe that the predicted values are now red because they are less than required values.
Performance Unacceptable at Both Ends of Licensed Link
Increase Antenna Heights to ensure a LOS path which also clears the Worst Earth Curvature (grey line on path profile) and select different antennas in the Link Page.
Adjust Both Ends of Licensed Link Again
Confirm that the predicted values are no longer red.
Performance Acceptable at Both Ends of Licensed Link
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