The project toolbar, located above the main screen, allows easy access to a number of common functions:
Project Toolbar
Use the icons to access the following functions:
New Project - Create a new project
Open Project - Open an existing project
Save Project - Save the current project
Copy - Copy a Network Site, Subscriber Site, PTP link, PMP Hub, Access Point or Subscriber Module, select appropriate item before selecting Copy.
Paste - Paste a copied item into either the same project (duplicate) or a different project.
New Network Site - Create a new Network Site
New Subscriber Site - Create a new Subscriber Site
New PTP Link - Create a new PTP link
New Hub Site - Create a new Hub Site
New Access Point - Create a new Access Point
New PMP Link from Access Point - Create a new link between an Access Point and a Subscriber Site
New PMP Link from Subscriber Site - Create a new link between a Subscriber Site and an Access Point
Delete - delete a network site, subscriber site, PTP link, PMP hub, Access Point or Subscriber Module, select appropriate item before selecting Delete.
Open in New Window - Creates a new window with the contents of the right hand pane, use to compare different links or window views side by side.
Export to Google Earth - Select at the project node to display all links. Select at the link level to display distance markers on the selected link, other links shown as at the project level.
Create Proposal Report - Select at the project node to generate a project level PTP Proposal Report, select at the PTP link level to generate a link specific report. Not available for PMP.
Create Installation Report - Select at the PTP Link level to generate a PTP network level Installation Report, select at the PMP link level to create a PMP network level Installation Report. Select at the PTP link or Subscriber Module, to generate installation reports specific to the level selected.
View in Spreadsheet - Only available at the Network Sites, Subscriber Sites, PTP Links, PMP Hub and Access Point node levels. Select to generate a spreadsheet of all parameters available in the list views at that level.
Enable Automatic Calculation - only used in PMP mode. Select Enable Automatic Calculation to allow all changes at the Access Point level to be immediately cascaded to all connected Subscriber Modules.
Running in Automatic Calculation mode may make it slower to make multiple changes at the Access Point level depending on the number of Subscriber Modules connected.
Calculate Now - only used in PMP mode and if Automatic Calculation is disabled. Select when all changes on an Access Point have been completed to refresh the Subscriber Module information.
Search box - enter name to highlight matching items in the navigation tree, enables easy location of sites or links in large projects.