The Request Profiles process will send information, including your contact details and path profile coordinates, to Cambium Networks. Cambium Networks stores this information on its servers so that we can provide the best possible customer service and sales support. Please see for more details.
To register for the path profile service click Tools, Options (Preferences in Mac), Path Profile, (see Options (Preferences)) for details on registering for the profile service.
If the Request profiles manually? box is ticked then follow Steps 1 - 3 below, otherwise the profiles are requested as soon as a link is created.
Profile requests are processed in the background and automatically populated into the project, however when a profile request is being processed an activity wheel is shown in the bottom right hand corner of the window. Right click on this wheel to open a progress window and view the progress of the profile requests, if required.
To cancel obtaining any further profiles click Cancel All and any profile requests still pending will be cancelled.
If a request fails, then the profile will show as “Failed” and an error message will be shown on the Error tab. Any profile which fails will need to be re-submitted, when the appropriate corrective action has been taken. To re-submit a profile, follow Steps 1 - 3 below.
Progress Page
To obtain profiles manually, follow these steps:
Click Project, Get Profiles:
If LINKPlanner cannot connect to the network, it responds to the Get Profiles request by displaying an “Internet configuration failed” message. If this happens, then review and update the HTTP Proxy settings, as described in Options (Preferences).
The Request Profiles Page is displayed:
The links that do not yet have profiles are ticked by default. The links that already have profiles are unticked by default. Tick them if the profiles require update.
Click OK to obtain profiles:
LINKPlanner automatically sends the requests to the Cambium Networks Path Profile system. For background information, see Path Profiles.