Import File Formats

Sites from CSV File

Network Sites or Subscriber Sites can be defined in a CSV (comma separated variable) file, created using Excel or a text editor. The first row contains titles. For example:

Name, Latitude, Longitude, Maximum Height, Description
Place1, 50.371N, 3.523W, 200, Desc of place 1
Place2, 50.384N, 3.525W, 100, Desc of place 2

Path from CSV File

Paths can be defined in a CSV (comma separated variable) file, created using Excel or a text editor. The first row contains the headings. To ensure that the path is imported correctly the units should be defined in the header. Range can take the units (km) or (mi.) and the clutter type (if using) and height values can be in (m) or (ft). If the units are missing or not recognized then the preferred units will be used. The range value increments from zero at the local (left hand) end of the path to the maximum path length. For an example, see Path Profile Units.

Path from Pathloss (*.txt)

Path profiles can be imported from Pathloss text reports, using the Terrain profile listing which will give the name and co-ordinates of each site and the path profile including obstructions between the sites.

In Pathloss 5.1 the text report is built by clicking Operations, Reports. In the Composite reports window click Terrain profile listing, then click Print selected links. Save the resulting output as Text Format (*.TXT). Multiple sites can be included in the same file.

LINKPlanner can only support path profiles from Pathloss with a Datum of World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS 1984) or North American 1983.